I know I talk about the weather too much, but it just seems to be in so big part in our lives nowadays. We have snow, then rain, then little sunshine, then some snow again followed by some more rain. It's definitely autumn but when is it really winter?

I think winter needs and means at least some snow, so that said it's definitely not here yet. But I am happily using my new winter coat already and planning some new accessories to go with it. How come all my mittens and hats seem so last season (some even have holes, how do you miss that in spring?) and oh, pairs are a rare find. I have a distant memory of tossing them into a washer in a hot June morning and I may not have checked them too carefully...

Happy Tuesday come rain or shine!

I have wanted a tweed bag of my own since I started making them. Oh-oh, so I haven't got one yet, and these already are on their way to make someone else happy. I wouldn't mind keeping that set though, the little tweets look quite cheerful! Maybe next ones will stay here with me...

Happy Tuesday come rain or shine!
I think it's because our weather is so changeable that us Brits constantly talk about it...we can have 4 seasons in one day here!
That is a wonderful tweed sets of Tweets Mia, what a lucky customer.
Its a little warmer here today but the blue sky seems to be missing .
Have a great Tuesday.
Love Jane x
I love the little birds, are they made of felt? They really bring the bag alive. I think missing glove pairs are like missing pairs of socks.
Hi Jane,
I think we Finns are the same, and although we should be used for rain, darkness and long winters by now ;) we seem to complain of them constantly.
It's not raining anything here today either so I think I should consider this as a good weather, too!
Happy Tuesday!
Hi Emer!
Great to have you visiting me here! And yes, I needle felted the birds and the flowers into tweed (so they're pure wool) - i am so happy you liked them.
And the cloves...Maybe they run off with the handsomest socks :)?
Happy and sunny day!
It's raining here this morning although not as cold as yesterday but yesterday was sunny, you can't win!!!
That really is a gorgeous set Mia, dare I say it very spring-like!
Have a good Tuesday. :)
Vivienne x
You dare, dear :) I know we all love Christmas but I think that's about it for winter - the spring could start from January, don't you think?
Have a wonderful week, Viv, and I hope it will turn sunnier later on!
today so far we have had rain , a few hailstones and now sun ... doesn't know what it wants to do and it was still dark until about 8.30ish !! Your tweed set is going to make someone very happy ... as for the stash I'll have to be careful as hub reads my blog and I just know there is some hidden that he doesn't know about lol
Hi Lisa,
I know, I know, maybe we'll postpone the stash-post a little, maybe one day we'll have smaller ones to show (as if!) ;)
Your weather sounds just like ours, when you choose what to wear in the morning, you're either hot, wet or freezing in the afternoon...Great!
Many greetings from Finland again!
Hello there! Thank you for your comment in my blog! I didn't find pictures of beret anywhere, but I did find all kind of other beautiful things :D You have such lovely blog :)
Hi Jatta,
I am so sorry - It was a scheduled to be there in this morning at 7AM, I am sorry I forgot to mention that in my comment!
Thank you for the pattern still once, it's lovely!
Hey Mia,
I love the bag!
Thank you so much!
Happy Wednesday!
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