
Latest from the land of the late blooming

It's February, yippee! We made it through January (which, once again, felt so long and gloomy but looking back now was filled with so many things). I regularly read many blogs, and it seems that Feb has a spring feel to many of you. The colors are getting brighter as days get longer and lighter, and flowers, they're everywhere!

Here not so much. We have 60cm/23.6" snow and more coming all the time. Days are brighter but as it snows heavily constantly, the sun doesn't shine that much. So no daffodils or tulips here yet, we're still on candles-mode.

I have a soft spot for clean and simple Finnish design glass, and was lucky to get a few more from Santa. These are so beautiful together yet they work beautifully on their own, too. And actually...

...They make a pretty flower, too! Here's to spring, friends!

Bright Thursday!



Anonymous said...

Your candle holders are beautiful Mia, such pretty colours.
Your're right, if you can't have real flowers then make your own!!
Have a lovely day,
Vivienne x

Mia said...

Hi Viv,

They're pretty and the light is beautiful too through different shades of glass too. Just what we need here now :)

Have a great Thursday and it's weekend soon again!


verykerryberry said...

I love the flower of candles, the thick glass really glows

Mia said...

Thanks Kerry,
my thoughts exactly :)

Have a happy and bright Thursday!


periwinkle said...

wow that's a lot of snow. We've got brilliant blue skies at the minute and it's lovely. Here's to Spring flowers x

Unknown said...

Beautiful candle holders Mia :0) I love coloured glass.
I can't get over how much snow you've had - I'm not sure how I'd cope.
Happy Springtime Mia xxx

Mia said...

Hi Lisa,

Here's to your blue skies, too!
I wish we'll have of that soon...

Happy day and oh, weekend soon also!


Mia said...

Hi Jill,

That is A LOT of snow, my dear Hb shovels it day&night so we can get the cars out of the yard in the morning :) So we wouldn't mind spring either... Soon, I hope!

Have a bright and sunny day!


Helen Philipps said...

Lovely candle holders, Mia. I always enjoy seeing candle light especially in coloured glass tea light holders. Enjoy your candle flowers while it's still snowy, and keep cosy. Helen x

Jane said...

Hi Mia,
I am sending you some thoughts of lovely sunshine and blue skies to brighten your evening! That is just too much snow you have been having, even for me! It has been a sunny day today, even at one point just a little bit warmer.I went to the garden centre again with my parents. Your candles are a great antidote for this time of year. Keep snug in all that snow my dear.
Billy sends a very pink nosed kiss to you ;0)
Jane x

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, I'm a big Iittala fan and have a few of these myself. Yours look so lovely all grouped together. I'm sorry your reading all about our move into Spring whilst you're still so firmly in Winter, I hope things warm up fro you soon. Bethx

Mia said...

Hi Helen,

Colored glass in one of my (many) weaknesses, if I had more space to store...huh :) I now try to limit my collection to these and some pretty bowls.

Yours blog has been so wonderful help with all the bright colors and flower!


Mia said...

Hello Jane,

Billy's nose matches to my pink candle holder exactly :) so please give him a big kiss from me too!

Tomorrow is Friday again, I wish you the sunniest and most wonderful time!


Mia said...

Hi Beth,

I am so happy (I really am!) to see all the springly pictures in the blogs, I just am a bit fed up with this snowing here. But now that Jan is over, I am feeling much better!

Have a great and crafty weekend soon!


mynestofyarnandbuttons said...

Hi Mia, I love your glass candle holders. The flower arrangement is so pretty. I also love the smell of a match just lit. Is that weird!?! But I'm with you I love glass and the lovely flicker the candles make. Snow snow snow, we have all had enough. Take care and stay warm! xo Robinā¤

Pam said...

They are so very pretty; candles definitely give joy during the dark days of winter.
But Spring is so near now - at last!
Have a good weekend Mia.
P xx

Mia said...

Hi Robin,

It snows as we speak but hey, it's bright and light at least! Have a wonderful weekend coming and many happy greetings from Finland again!


Mia said...

Hi Pam,

I know, it's so near, I just would love to see a few signs of it here :) But candles definitely help, the light of them is so pretty!

Have a good weekend!


anne said...

Beautiful glass.....thanks for sharing. I'm glad your collection is growing. Still cold and snowy here, so light some candles!!

Anne, PlumCreek

Mia said...

Hi Anne!

Slowly but happily I keep adding new colors to my collection :) Stay warm and cozy and all the best for the B-day boy!

Happy weekend!


This time of the year...

Usually around this time, when children go back to school, and you can just about to smell the autumn, I start to dig deeper in my fabric...