Dear, dear friends!
A week (a whole week!) has passed since our wool-trip and I haven't reported a single line. Or told you how wonderful it was on that craft show. I apologize. But as stated, it was great - on both. I bought wool to last a lifetime (read: a few months), and didn't buy that much at the fair but it was still so good. Inspirational, refreshing, fun. And company I had was simply the best. Thanks, Sis.

And what on earth has kept me from telling you the wonder-tales of my travels? Nothing too serious, just too many piles of almost-there, to-be-finished and this-is-urgent's.
The following months will be the busiest of the year (yippee!), and I have tried to find a balance between an existing orders, holiday-stock and new products. I am ahead of my usual "I-cannot-believe-it's-December-already" Christmas-stocking, but not quite there to show you anything concrete yet.

So I need to apologize again, especially you, who I warned from C-crafts grand reveal here this week: it has been postponed to the next. I am still heavily tangled with my special Christmas-colored-tweeds...

...but next week, I am already thinking of next week (and enjoying the weekend in the meanwhile), and believe it or not, it will be November then already!
See you then!
See you then!
mä oon ihan sanaton. sulla on tosi kauniita käsitöitä <3
Oi kiitos! Ihanaa aloittaa viikonloppu noin kauniilla kommentilla!
Iloista viikonloppua!
Terkuin Mia
Noi sun lintutyöt on niin upeita etten voi käsittää. Tsemppiä joulukiireisiin! :)
HI MIA, I missed you. You are a big tease with all that's going on in your felty world. You have been one Busy Bee!! So happy you and sis had a wonderful time! Everything in your photos look amazing and I want one of everything, I wish! Have a fabulous weekend, see you next week, xoRobin❤
And yes it is hard to believe it will be November.
Lovely bags there Mia and I can't wait to see what you are going to make with that Christmas fabric....I may well need a Christmas coaster for my studio...??!
We are still having good weather here but at last had some much needed rain too.
I am so glad you enjoyed your trip and that your wool stash is replenished ready for lots of lovely new projects.
Happy weekend my dear,
Jane x
Kiitos, kiitos! Ihanaista joulunodotusaikaa sinullekin! Eikös sitä (ainakin marraskuussa) saa ihan virallisestikin alkaa joulu-hössöttää :) ?
Syysterveisin Mia
Dear Robin,
I have had problems with blogger again! I tried to comment on your travel-post but got "error" again :( But you've been on my mind, dear!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hello Jane,
Our favorite time of the year is so close, yippee! I have been planning some special Christmas-things into my shop, we'll see how my timetable holds...
Wishing you a fantastic weekend and many kisses to Billy too!
Oh good 'C' has been postponed! ;)
I love the little kitten, it looks like one of ours! :)
We've had three good days in a row, unbelieveable!!
Have a wonderful weekend Mia!!
Vivienne x
Hi Viv,
It was you I wanted apologize as already was warning you :) But I truly hope I can get C-crafts out there next week...Finally!
Kisses to all your kittens and wonderful weekend, I hope the weather stays great!
Lovely knitting as always Mia - love the cat too! Am so looking forward to seeing your Christmas crafts (sorry Viv) and I'm hoping that will inspire me to start some of my own.
Have a great weekend,
P xx
Hi Mia! Your works are so beautiful and sweet that I'm sure you are now very, very busy till the Christmas! I send you energy and enjoy your creating!
Have a lovely weekend!
Your Finnish friend far away, Teje
Thank you so much, Pam!
I am looking forward to all the C-things, but somehow this sunny and bright weekend is messing it all up :) But we'll get down to them soon, I promise!
Happy weekend, dear friend!
Thank you Teje!
It's a wonderful, sunny and beautiful weekend here (!!!) and I'm not feeling the November in a few days at all, but I'm sure this will past ;) soon...
Wishing you a great weekend and happy sewing!
So glad you had a great trip, Mia! Your little bags are wonderful, so warm and colourful. I love the tweedy fabric and look forward to seeing what you create next! Have a happy weekend.
Helen x
Nuo lintukassit ovat niin upeita, että ei voi kuin suu auki ihailla! WOW =D
Sorry I'm slow to write. I like what you said about "almost-there;to-be-finished; this-is urgent". Time IS flying and now it's November.
Those plaid fabrics look so Christmassy. Can't wait to see what you will create.
We had a wonderful busy weekend with Greg.
Happy Tuesday and new week!!
Dear Anne,
I am so happy to hear you had a great weekend - lovely he's so close you can visit him every now and then! I am getting busier by the minute (which is great) and hope to get some C-things into my shop later this week... We'll see!
Have a wonderful week dear friend, and we'll talk soon again!
Hello, Mia! I just want to tell you that you have nice blog and make so beautiful things =) I would like to follow your blog, but it`s not possible now =( Anyway supercute bags, birds and all these amazing things that you create(the green one is speciale)
Sorry for my English =)
Hugs from Russia
Thank you so much, Natasha, for your beautiful comment! I am so happy you like my work! I am sorry about the following, but if there's anything I can do, just let me know, please!
Many happy greetings from your neighbour Finland :)
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