It's been a year since we did this trip! It feels impossible that it was a whole year ago, but on the other hand so much has happened since. Tomorrow we're hitting the road again, and it'll be followed by the craft fair on Saturday too.

I have been playing with the idea of attending the fair as a seller instead of buyer, but haven't yet gotten the courage/funds/stock enough to fill in the form. And I love the fair as customer, I can wander around, look, touch, feel and enjoy it instead of sweating behind the desk wondering if anyone should buy my product.

The holiday season is just around the corner, and after a hard thinking and no-but-yeah-but-no-but-yeah'ing I decided this year I will not be able to make the Christmas-blog like last year. There simply is not time enough to prepare the posts. Or maybe I am just thinking there isn't but... I have many cute/crafty/delicious/fun things to show you about the holidays, but I just cannot promise 25 posts this year. Makes me little sad but I am sure there will be many fun posts around the blogland for each day of December still.

There is a (great/big/close/happy) family celebration coming in beginning of November (more of that closer the date), and Sis&I will be hitting Helsinki again in beginning of December. Then it'll soon be Christmas, and The New Year, and...We're going to make it through this dark and gloomy, aren't we? Let's just hold hands (and chocolate bars), enjoy the cozy evenings and light a lot candles. Sounds like a plan, huh?

I randomly chose here some birdies I have made this autumn. They have absolutely nothing to do with the text ramblings but they're quite pretty and that's what we need sometimes. Just pretty.
I'll be reporting about my wool&craft-journey next week, and in the meanwhile:
Wonderful weekend, everyone!
So beautiful. I wish i had just alittle of your talent.
Melanie x
Have a fantastic trip Mia, just think all that wool waiting to be bought!! ;)
Craft fairs can be very expensive to take part in, can't they but I'm quite sure you wouldn't have a problem selling your creations.
Don't worry about posting every day leading up to 'C', that really is a lot of hard work. Sounds as if you're going to be busy in the near future anyway.
Chocolate definitely sounds like a plan!! :)
Your birdie bags are absolutely gorgeous!
Happy weekend & have fun,
Vivienne x
Goodness me where does a year go Mia? I smiled at your "Little Britain" quote, we so loved that series, really classic comedy. Have a fab trip and come back with lots of lovely wool to fuel your wonderful creativity. You could sell out at a craft fair! No worries about posting a daily Christmas blog, between you and me I am sure there will be plenty of festive fun to carry us through the darkness. Keep eating chocolate - it is the answer to any problem ;0)
Jane x
Thank you so much, Melanie, you made me smile even the rain hits the windows... I wish you a sunny and happy weekend!
Oi kuinka kauniita! Olet kyllä todella taitava ja luova ihminen :)
Ihanaa matkaa!
Thank you Viv,
I know, I think I bought almost hundred skeins last time, we'll see if I manage to top that :)
And I was really struggling with the c-blog decision, but now I'm happy it's done.
Wishing you a wonderful, sunny and pretty weekend!
Hi Jane,
Little Britain is one of my favorite series too, and I must say I'm a bit Vicky time to time especially when talking to my Sis :) But proudly so!
And I am sure we'll manage to get done quite a bit c-blogging between us even I haven't got a daily-schedule!
Have a happy weekend, enjoy your studio and kiss Billy constantly, we'll talk again next week!
Iso kiitos Jatta!
Ja jos taitavuudesta ja luovuudesta puhutaan niin kyllä se sielläpäässä kukkii ihanaisesti myös! Blogisi innoittaa joka ikunen kerta kun sinnepäinkin vilkaisee, kiitos siitä!
Värikästä syksyä!
Terkuin Mia
Aivan ihania lintuja oot loihtinut! Wau!!!! Todella kauniita.
Those bags are only gorgeous. I think you should definately do a craft fair. I'm sure all of your wares would sell. Happy weekend
These are such beautiful makes, Mia, so warm and tactile. They are absolutely perfect for this time of year too. I'm always amazed at the effects you can achieve...I don't know how you do it! Don't worry about Christmas posting.... you should just do whatever you feel like at the time.
Have lots of fun on your trip, and eat lots of chocolate too!
Helen x
Great work and great colours! How about trying some super cute dwarf hamsters to expand your range of cuteness? I'm very much into Little Britain, too, but I'm much more the "Yeah, I know" kind of person, hehe, Andy and I actaully share some traits ;).
Hugs, Maike
Sono bellissime queste borse,del tutto originale!!!
Heipsis, Nova Melina,
Ja iso kiitos kauniista kommentistasi!
Iloista ja aurinkoista sunnuntaita!
Terkuin Mia
Hello Emer,
Thank you so much! Maybe one day I'll pack my bags and head to a craft fair as seller - my Sis has already promised to come along...
Have a bright and sunny Sunday!
Hello Helen,
And thank you!
I loved the Christmas-posting last year, but I just thought it would be too much for this year. I am counting on you all wonderful blogger-lovelies to keep up beautiful Christmas-post this year :)
Happiest new week soon!
Hi Maike,
Thank you for the great idea, I'll make some research for those hamsters...I'm sure they would be the cutest :)
And oh Andy, I have my Andy-moments every now and then and then that lady who saw the robbery and everything (men mostly) is goooooorrrrrgeous, that's so me too...I LOVE Little Britain!
Have a great October!
Mille grazie, Carmen!
Happy to have you visiting me here!
Lovely, lovely purses, I especially like the grey/pink/green one. Enjoy your trip and don't worry for a moment about not blogging the daily post, you always write lovely blog entries and it might be a bit more relaxing for you to not have the added pressure on the run up to Christmas, which is always such a busy time. Bethx
Thank you so much, Beth!
And I made the decision about not having the Christmas-blog with a heavy heart as it was great but it seems that Nov-Dec will be quite busy with my handmades (and that's a happy happy thing!). I already have started some Christmas-items (yippee, who would have believed!) and totally inspired by you, dear friend, I have now a few similar yet different things in making!
Have a wonderful new week soon and business-wise-busy autumn too!
Mia, It sounds like a wonderful weekend and some amazing bird bags. Thanks for sharing these on your blog.
No worries about writing every day at Christmastime. Whenever you write, we all will enjoy it and have a bit of Finnish Christmas.
Here's to candles and chocolate!!
Thank you, Anne!
We had great time and we arrived with our car full of wool :) - now I should have enough for the rest of the year!
Have a wonderful new week, dear friend, and I am just off to write you a longer message...
These bags are absolutely divine Mia!
Just wonderful. When I look at all your amazing makes, I normally try and choose a 'favorite'. This is really hard, but sometimes I can do it.
Well, today there is no way I can choose they are all absolutely gorgeous.
Thankyou kindly for showing them to us.
I hope you have a lovely week Mia.
Kind regards,
Thank you so much for your beautiful comment, Donna!
We had wonderful time, and I got a lot of wool :) Now I am happily clicking my needles here!
Wishing you a great week, and hopefully some sun (not seen here)!
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