January is progressing nicely, it is the 16th already. We've had snow I wasn't hoping but was expecting, and it's little colder also but still: February is closer than December, that's all I count.

The color-palette is changing too: the brighter and more springly colors are appearing. It's not that I choose them every morning that consciously, they just jump from my shelves into my needles.

It's less than a month until the Valentine's Day. Here in Finland it's the day of
friendship more than day of love (although friendship represents love on its
best but you know what I mean), and I am thinking of making some hearty items. There's really no need to wait until the Valentine's Day to say
I love you but it for sure gives
a great excuse. I have marinated these jewelry bases (below)
for months and maybe now it's time to take them out and play.

We're heading for a mini-break this coming weekend, and when we return (on Sunday 22nd) this month is almost over, and I welcome February with open arms.
Happy Monday!