Sunny greetings from cold Finland, and with a little imagination you could say we have blue skies here today too!
Today I feel sort of in-between, you know how it is sometimes in these days between Christmas and New Year? Home is all beautifully decorated, and you could just relax and stay in bed late, wander in your new pj's all day within arm length of chocolate box, but... For me these days quite often bring a little blues - old year almost gone, and uncertain feelings for the new. It eases after New Year, when I start making plans for the new year to come, turn a new, fresh page on my wall calendar and start waiting spring. I think the best thing to do for today is to share a few pictures of those wonderful Holidays we just had, and then take a little knitting under a warm duvet and just... mellow if that can be used as verb.

Lovely last days of 2015 to you all, see you soon again!
* I knit the little red cardigan from the pattern "Baby's Lace Cardigan" by Stefanie Japel from the book "Mom&Me Knits", got the book, love it!