I don't really know why I keep carrying all the stuff I have in my bag around. My worst nightmare (almost at least) would be stopped at the street by someone, who would like to see and maybe even photograph the content of my bag. You've seen those sort of articles at cosmo or somewhere and they always have only elegant stuff and maybe one receipt there (a latte they bought five minutes ago) and they're just about to toss that. That's not me.

I make decisions every now and then to keep my bag clean of extra stuff. Like books, pens, chewing gum, measuring tape. Yes and sort out the essentials like cell, wallet, makeup pouch, keys and camera. And those receipts. I just seem to put them into my bag and forget them. Huh.

In the meanwhile (when I am making an effort to get more organized) I keep making these pretty little purses, and who knows someday I'll leave the house carrying one of those. And just that.
Colorful Thursday - it is almost weekend again!
Colorful Thursday - it is almost weekend again!