There are many (and I mean many) things on my "I-wish-to-do" list. It´s not similar to those "clean the bathroom" or "paint the porch" sort of lists but more of an "I dream of trying these someday".
It feels wonderful to study that list time to time (it mostly happens when I am too tired to actually do anything) and dream on new experiences. Yesterday I surprised myself and actually tried something from my list:

I carved a rubber stamp! I have wanted to try that since last summer I received one wonderful piece of art from a lovely fellow flickrian, Maike. She assured me it´s not that difficult. Well, took me a year to take the plunge. It´s not that I wouldn´t have the equipments, no, I most definitely have knives enough for some more stamps still.

Yes, I know, I know that this little birdie-stamp of mine is not a piece of art, and I have no idea how someone could carve letters and other teeny bits (I would need a significantly larger eraser, maybe a bake tray-sized). But I like it, and even more important: I did it myself AND finished one thing off my list. Wonderful.